The Partridge Family Temple och The Wu Ming Foundation

Att den kapitalistiska populärkulturen äter sig längre in på alla håll och kanter i vårt samhälle har självklart sina reaktioner. Som svenska exempel har vi LOBs och Nikanor Teratologens författarskap, där ett ändlöst hatande och hånande av diverse skitkändisar går igenom som ett tema. Oavsett om bajskastningen både är ärligt menad och skojig och läsa, så är det trots det en position som är hopplöst reaktiv. Det är då intressantare för oss, som har populärkulturen inskriven i vår DNA, och samtidigt hatar och älskar den, att titta på de två följande grupperna – den ena fanatiskt tillbedjande, den andra teoritiserande, för båda har som strategi att ockupera och redefiniera populärkulturen och fylla den med eget innehåll – The Partridge Family Temple och The Wu Ming Foundation.

I en artikel ( från The Portland Mercury tecknar Shaun Partridge grunddragen i sin religion och redogör för dess uppkomst:

“‘Our religion is the perfect religion for the new millennium. The television is our god. Our symbol is the eternal CBS eye. Everyone worships TV. We’re more real than Christianity. You can turn on your TV and see our religion,’ he says.

Fairlee’s explanation rolls out like an 8-track tape, practiced but entertaining. In fact, he’s been working on his rap for a long time, ever since he and a friend named Dan Kapelovitz were introduced to the concept by a mutual acquaintance while living in Denver in 1988. The acquaintance, a man they call Reverend Adam Sleek, kept playing Partridge Family music, trying to convert them. ‘I thought, “I can’t take any more of this,” and then all of a sudden I realized, hey, it’s really good music, and wanted to listen to it, too,’ Fairlee says. Fairlee doesn’t know how Rev. Sleek came up with the idea originally.”

TPFT är ett fullfjädrat Jungianskt teologiskt system, vilket vi ser längre fram i nämnda artikel:

As he explains it, The Partridge Family was, in fact, the living embodiment of religious archetypes which have echoed through humanity from the earliest days. Shirley Jones is the virgin mother earth goddess; she had children, but no father was ever mentioned in the show. David Cassidy was the satyr or male sex god, a fact supported by his legendarily large phallus. Danny Bonaduce, the constant trouble-maker, was the loki or devil character. And Bobby Sherman, a one-episode guest, was the grim reaper, driving a hearse in his own spin-off series, “Getting Together.”

Även fall den kulturella miljön (ett gäng vänners vänner som nu bestämt att samla sig i konströrelsen UNPOP ART) ur vilken TPFT är sprungen mer brukar klistra etiketter som satanism, socialdarwinism och neo-fascism kring sig, är de åsikter som kan utvinnas ur försvaret för tempelmedlemmen Puppy Boy Partridge överraskande progressiva (om än en smula PSYCHO-deliskt formulerade):

“The man wants to silence the voice of the Partridge Family Temple, Puppy Boy Partridge. Puppy Boy is a political prisoner.

This is Puppy Boy Partridge. He too has been persecuted for his religious beliefs. He was sent to Federal Prison for allegedly providing people with a means to achieve a Partridge Reality which is only illegal because the Man wants to control your mind!

Puppy Boy was the head of our Partridge in Prison Program. Just as the Nation of Islam has been successful recruiting members from within the prison system, Puppy Boy gave it a go, but he says that many people in prison had trouble grasping the beautiful Truth of the Partridge Family Temple.

FUN FACT: Puppy Boy was a political prisoner in the Holy Drug War.

Yes it is true, there is a Holy War in our midst. Some call it the Drug War, but we at the Temple see it as just one small aspect of the entire Partridge Jihad. The Partridge Family Temple is all about Fun, and even though every person, place and thing is a Partridge, many people have either forgotten this eternal Truth or have been unfortunate to never have learned it. They fight against Fun. They create laws so that they can build more prisons. Laws aren’t fun. Prisons aren’t fun. There is a war against fun going on, and we must fight back!

Everyday more and more of Puppy Boy’s rights are being taken away from him. The pigs took away Puppy Boy’s guitar. The Man knows how revolutionary Puppy’s music is and how if the fellow prisoners had heard his songs it would have started prison riots if not an entire upheaval of the Prison System.”

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